
Summer times by Authentic

  • Tipo mp3 | Thu, 19 Aug 2021 12:18:06 -0400
  • Tamanho do arquivo 4,385.46 Kilobytes | Faixa # 3
  • Ano Não disponível | Álbum Não disponível
  • Gênero Acoustic | Comentários

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Accordion, Acoustic Guitar, Other Percussion, Background Singer, Banjo, Bass Guitar, Cello, Dobro, Bagpipes, Flute, Fiddle, Vocalist - General, Vocalist - Alto, Vocalist - Baritone, Vocalist - Bass, Vocalist - Soprano, Vocalist - Tenor, Harmonica, Keyboard, Upright bass, Lead Guitar, Mandolin, Piano, Trombone, Rhythm Guitar, Saxophone, Drums, Other, Steel guitar, Trumpet, Violin.


Open to most constellations...
Have played in several bands since early teen, composing own pop/rock, and holding many concerts in the underground amateur scene.. was great fun, now going back 5 years.. I miss the thrill, the creativity, and love to music and guitar. Have most experience with electric quitar, but also play western and classical... Would play nearly all genres, but lean to something melodic regardless if pop, soul, folk, rock or even harder metal. So long I feel the emotion, the sincerity, in the expression.
looking for cover band or contribution to original..strive for gigs / public performances.

Nome de tela:
Membro desde:
Aug 04 2021
Ativo na última semana
Nível de compromisso:
Tempo tocando música:
Shows realizados:
50 to 100
Disponível para eventos:
1 night a week
Maior disponibilidade:

Experiência com o instrumento:

Acoustic Guitar:
Lead Guitar:
Rhythm Guitar:


everything a guitarplayer needs, though would need to dust off some equipment..